by Nina Somera

Scores of women marched on the streets as the world marked the International Women’s Day. Many activities centred on the worsening economic crisis whose impact has been most deeply felt by poor women. Women also demanded an end to gender-based discrimination and violence and the recognition of women as equal partners in nation-building and peace-building. We! compiled what was seen and heard on this historic day in the Asia Pacific region.


Women in this war torn country wore blue scarves, which symbolise the burka or the blue veils which covered women’s bodies even after the Taliban regime. They also came out for a prayer for peace and justice. They called for women’s equal participation in the perennial peace process. This marked the first-women led peace action in Afghanistan in years. Source: UNIFEM. (7 March 2009). “International Women’s Day 2009: Wearing Blue Scarves In Solidarity With Afghan Women On IWD .” 


An end to violence against women and children became the dominant theme in IWD’s celebration across Bangladesh. A huge rally was also organised in the capital Dhaka. The government is pushing a new National Women’s Development Policy (NWDP), which aims to provide equal opportunities for both women and men especially in the political and economic spheres, including parliamentary seats and property rights for women. However, the draft does not mention the Bangladesh’s commitment to the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination (CEDAW). Source: IRIN. (17 March 2009). “Bangladesh: Government moves to boost women’s rights .” 


Trade unions reiterated their concerns on the impact of the economic crisis particularly on women workers. In January 2009, scores of women factory workers protested the slash on their already meagre wages and their termination. The last several months saw more than 20,000 job losses. Some women have been forced to work in otherwise precarious environments, in karaoke parlours and night clubs. The Free Trade Union of Cambodia remarked, “Jobless women will not be happy to participate in the discussions about women’s rights this year.” Source: Leakhana, Khuon. (10 March 2009). “Women failing to gain rights .”


The All China Women's Federation, together with the United Nations Theme Group on Gender organised a forum dubbed, “Investing in Women and Girls” on 5 March 2009 in Beijing, China. The forum featured a paper delivered by Liu Bohong of the Women’s Studies Institute of China on the gendered effects of the economic crisis on Chinese women. The forum also presented the successful implementation of projects under the China Gender Facility Awards, which are given to initiatives which result in women's empowerment and gender equality. Source: “Investing in Women and Girls” programme. E-mail communications.


The Fiji Women’s Crisis Centre led the annual Reclaim the Night March on the eve of the International Women’s Day. The women reiterated their calls, demanding an end to sexual violence and violence against women. Source: Fiji Daily Post. (9 March 2009). “The Night is Ours .”


Women’s organisations including Jagori, Sangat and Purogami Mahila Sangathan and their communities convened in New Delhi to celebrate one hundred years of women’s struggle that began with Clara Zetkin and other women of the Socialist International. The women decried the negative impacts of the current economic crisis which has hit women the hardest. They also pointed out the slow implementation of legislations on rape, dowry killings and other forms of violence against women. Source: OneWorld-South Asia. (8 March 2008). “India: Celebrating hundred years of women’s struggle .” 


In Tokyo, around 900 people joined the International Women’s Day central rally under the slogan, “Stop the job market collapse and destruction of people’s living conditions! Stand up for a bright future! Let the Japanese Constitution guide!” A huge rally, attended by 500 participants was also organised in Sapporo City in Hokkaido. Similar rallies were organised in the prefectures such as Kochi, Osaka and Gunma. Source: Japan Press Weekly. (9 March 2009). “International Women’s Day rally held across the nation to defend the Japanese Constitution and people’s living .” 


Women wore traditional dresses and marched in the capital Kathmandu. This year’s celebration adopted the theme “Voice of All Nepalis: Drafting Women-friendly Constitution.” Under an interim constitution, Nepali prime minister Prachanda managed to form the new government last year. However he has yet to appoint the head of the Ministry of Women, Children and Social Welfare. The interim constitution provides 33 per cent of every sector in decision-making processes must be comprised by women. But this quota has not been achieved. The past several months also witnessed the harassment and deaths of women human rights defenders. Source: Sitaula, Binju. (8 March 2009). “Int’l Women’s Day celebrated in Nepal .” 


A rally culminated at the Parliament House. Organised by Pattan Development Organization, Insani Haqooq Itehad and Women Councilors Network, the women demanded an increase in women’s participation in decision-making processes in the government. The Asian Commission on Human Rights (ACHR) reported that while the Zardiri government has appointed women in his cabinet, such move has been cancelled out by the appointment of men who have been implicated on crimes against women. Sources: ACHR-Pakistan. (8 March 2009). “PAKISTAN: Conditions for women are more precarious on International Women’s Day 2009.” URL: and Associated Press-Pakistan. (8 March 2009). “Peace rally held to mark International Women Day held .” 


In the city of Kirov, people marked the International Women’s Day by holding a demonstration, carrying empty pots and pans. They protested the rising cost commodities while salary levels remain unchanged. One hundred demonstrators ended their march at the city administration building. However, no official came down to dialogue with them. Source: Radio Free Europe, Radio Liberty. (9 March 2009). “Russian Protesters Hold ‘Empty Pans’ Demonstration .”