by Annie Serrano, Asia Pacific Women's Watch and Miriam College

This serves as an invitation to all organizations interested in conducting workshops during the forthcoming Asia Pacific-NGO Forum on Beijing+15. Parallel workshop sessions should contribute substantive inputs and discussions to the Forum theme and agenda.

All activities in the Forum are to contribute to its theme:

  • “weaving wisdom” by sharing stories of women’s activism and the approaches, knowledge and skills developed
  • “confronting crises” by presenting papers and programs developed in response to crises, whether economic, environmental, political and cultural, with particular focus on addressing impact on women’s needs and interests
  • “forging the future” by brainstorming ways for inter-country and regional cooperation among civil society organizations to realize and enrich the vision of Beijing and CEDAW.
Details on Programme and Schedule are on the APWW web site.

Please complete the application form and submit it on or before September 14, 2009. The processing of applications cannot be guaranteed beyond this date. Applications will be processed on a “first come-first served” basis. Due to resource constraints, only a limited number of parallel workshop sessions can be accommodated. Organisations will be selected on the basis of their workshops’ relevance and contribution to the Forum.

Participating organisations are expected to shoulder their own costs, meals and lodging in relation to the Forum. Workshop rooms and LCD projectors will be provided by the organizing committee free of charge.

Time slots for these workshops are:

  • October 22, Thursday: 2:00 – 3:30 PM
  • October 23, Friday: 2:00 – 3:30 PM
  • October 24, Saturday: 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM and 1:30 – 3:00 PM
Kindly submit all applications to:
Jeannie Nacpil Manipon
apngoforum15 [at] yahoo [dot] com
Thank you, and see you at the Forum!

For more information on the visit the AP-NGO Forum on Beijing+15 site,