by the International Association of Women in Radio and Television (IAWRT)

Professional women broadcasters and documentary makers will gather in Cambodia shortly to examine the portrayal of women and their practical involvement in media.

The International Association of Women in Radio and Television (IAWRT) will be holding its 33rd Biennial Conference in Phnom Penh from 17-21 November 2009.

This year’s conference will be based on the two media strategic objectives of the Beijing Declaration and Plan for Action, which marks its 15th Anniversary in 2010.

IAWRT President Olya Booyar said the main conference program will comprise a variety of topics and activities around these central themes.

“We want maximum involvement by participants in these crucially important issues,” she said.

“To ground discussions and showcase the work of IAWRT members, we hope to use many of the IAWRT-sponsored five-minute radio and television documentaries - currently in preparation - as discussion triggers at appropriate points.

“There will also be screenings of the best entries in the 2009 IAWRT Awards for Excellence in Documentary-Making, with the winners announced at the Gala Dinner on 19 November.”

An outline of the Program to-date is on the IAWRT website and more details will be added as they become available.

As well as providing opportunities to share expertise and network, IAWRT will also hold a Great Debate before dinner on the second day. Two teams of speakers will debate a major topic concerning women – and men – in the media, in an entertaining and engaging way.

The main conference co-hosted by the Women’s Media Centre of Cambodia (WMC) will run from 17-19 November, followed by two further days of discussions and events specifically for IAWRT members and their invited guests.