DAWN greets the new year by convening the DAWN Development Debates (DDD) – a modest but critical reflection among scholars and activists from all over the world on issues and controversies around crises that have re-emerged with greater intensity from the shifting terrains of global political economy, development, women's rights and gender equality in the 21st century.


Beyond serving as a venue for articulating, questioning and formulating alternative thinking on global development issues, DAWN has also envisioned the DDD to provide beacons for strategic directions that feminist organizations and movements can take forward in their advocacies and activisms. DAWN takes this opportunity to contemplate on key questions concerning, among others, globalization, human rights, gender, conflict and the environment, that will hopefully stimulate new analyses, inspire new activisms and encourage new direction for justice and social progress

The debates will take place at Le Meridien, Ile Maurice Hotel in Mauritius, Africa from 18 to 20 January and will be attended by around 50 participants from different regions around the world. Follow the DDD at www.dawnnet.org