In a disturbing repetition of the violent police dispersal during the International Womens Day celebration, the Iranian police once again beat hundreds of womens rights activists gathered in a peaceful assembly in Tehran on June 12.
The international organisation Human Rights Watch reported that police and intelligence agents beat demonstrators with batons, sprayed them with pepper gas, marked them with colour spray, and took dozens into custody.

A spokesperson from the Judiciary likewise confirmed that security forces arrested 70 people42 of whom were prominent women activistsprior to the assembly to prevent it from taking place. The detainees are said to have been charged with participation in illegal assembly.

International human rights organisations expressed dismay at this continuing violation of human rights. Human Rights Watch called on the Iranian government to release all detainees without delay, end its harassment and intimidation of activists, and abide by its international obligations to respect freedom of assembly, and to prevent and punish police brutality.

The Iranian government has again shown its utter contempt for basic freedoms, like the right to peaceful assembly, says Human Rights Watchs Sarah Leah Whitson. The authorities should free those arrested at once and find out whos behind the police violence.

The demonstrators, both men and women, were calling for reforms in Irans legal code, which has discriminatory clauses against women. They were also demanding changes in Islamic laws which privilege men over women in matters such as child custody, divorce, employment rights, polygamy, travel restrictions, the definition of adulthood, and the value of women in legal cases brought before courts.


HRW Press. (2006, June 15). Iran: Police Assault Womens Human Rights Demonstrators. <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>.

Memarian, O. (2006, June 11). Rights-Iran. <>.