By Marion Cabrera, Isis International

“The 16 Days of Activism are about reminding everyone that the world will not know peace, development or justice, if women are violated.” These are words expressed by Everjoice Win of the Women's Global Leadership Initiative (WGLI), summarising the main principles of the campaign when it was launched in 1992. The campaign allowed women’s groups and networks all over the world to articulate the different ways violence against women is experienced.


Isis International continues to reflect about the different ways violence is experienced and how it responds to the issue. Its recent work on action research and capacity building, have been on the UN Resolution 1325 and women's participation in Peacebuilding in the Philippines and Indonesia; on Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender (LBT) movement in the Philippines; and Isis Activist School on Re-examining Gender Based Violence Strengthening Advocacy Work. These contribute to a deepened understanding of violence and how it is tied to the experience of power and gender, sexual orientation, and gender identity. They also allow us to examine closely the sites where violence occurs - from the home to the community - as well as reflect about violence arising from oppressive political, economic and socio-cultural structures.

As Isis continues to be mindful of the various forms and sites of violence, it also acknowledges ongoing efforts and responses of various groups in addressing the issue. It is in this spirit that Isis supports and participates in this year's 16 days of activism campaign with the theme, “Challenging Levels of Gender Based Violence: From Self to State.”

This theme will be carried out through the following activities:

  • On-line launch of Multi-Media Products produced by participants of the Isis International Activist School on Gender Based Violence. These multi-media pieces share their views and perspectives on various experiences of violence within the context of culture, sexual diversity and on-going armed conflict.
  • Participation in the Manila Pride March. Isis, since establishing its institutional commitment to LGBT rights advocacy, has sought to include LGBT issues and concerns in its projects and activities. In continuing to engage with LGBT organisations based in the Philippines and internationally, Isis values the LGBT movement’s assertion of visibility through the Pride March. In the last years Isis has actively participated in the march as a form of support and solidarity. This year, Isis’ participation in the march will be part of its activities for the 16 Days of Activism, asserting the inclusion and recognition of LGBT experiences of violence as part of Gender Based Violence.
  • Workshop on Maximising Social Media for Advocacy in partnership with the Foundation for Media Alternatives (FMA). This workshop aims to educate women's organisations on ways in which new Information and Communication Technology (ICT), particularly, social media may be utilised for effective advocacy on the one hand, and how these new tools have also resulted in new mutations of violence on the other. The workshop will also provide vital information about online security and privacy for women's organisations.

Please visit Isis website and keep posted for more information about these activities.