Montreal, 12 December 2012. From November 25 to December 10th, the Women's International Network of the World Association of Community Radio Broadcasters (AMARC-WIN) actively participated in the 16 days of activism against gender violence with an Internet campaign to Denounce Gender violence under this year's theme «Community Radio against Violence against Women». The audio documents and other information is available here

The 10th AMARC World Assembly, which took place in 2010, firmly took position against gender violence, stating that: "Community radio stations express their solidarity and denounce all forms of sexual or gender violence, from domestic violence to armed conflict. We ask states and governments for the recognition of the UN Convention for the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women, the Platform for Action of the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace and Security." The 16 days campaign started on November 25th with the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women; it continued on November 29th with the International Women's Human Rights Defenders Day; followed by December 1: World AIDS Day; December 6: Commemoration day of the Montreal (Canada) Massacre in 1989 and ended with the commemoration of sixty years of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights on December 10th for the International Human rights Day.

Community radio producers from Asia-Pacific, Middle East, Africa, Europe, North America and Latin America and the Caribbean dedicated these 16 days campaign to highlight the effort of women and men working to put an end to gender violence. Please listen, download and share the programs by clicking here

The AMARC Women's International Network is a large assembly of women communicators working to ensure women's right to communicate through and within the community radio movement. Through service to members, networking and project implementation, the World Association of Community Radio Broadcasters AMARC, brings together a network of more than 4,000 community radios, Federations and community media stakeholders in more than 130 countries. The main global impact of AMARC since its creation in 1983, has been to accompany and support the establishment of a worldwide community radio sector that has democratized the media sector. AMARC advocates for the right to communicate at the international, national, local and neighborhood levels and defends and promotes the interests of the community radio movement through solidarity, networking and Cooperation. For further information visit