Isis International Activist School

16-24 October 2013, Manila & Mindanao, Philippines

Isis International in collaboration with Justice Equality Rights Access (JERA) and the Asia Pacific Women’s Watch (APWW)

would like to invite you to apply for the

Isis Activist School on Enhancing Social Media Strategies to Advance the United Nations Security Council Resolution (UNSCR) 1325

16-24 OCTOBER 2013 in Manila and Mindanao, Philippines

(Deadline for application - 6 September 2013)

This Activist School on Enhancing Social Media Strategies to Advance UNSCR 1325 is a 9-day regional training of young women leaders and peace advocates. The training will bring together women from Australia, Burma, Cambodia, Indonesia, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Sri Lanka and Thailand to identify: development strategies; key barriers and current debate on UNSCR1325 in the Asian Region; strategies for civil society engagement in the development of National Action Plans (NAP) and the role of social media in supporting peace building.

Drawing from the Philippine experience on developing a NAP, the selected participants for this Activist School will have the opportunity to interact with peace advocates in the Philippines, from both the government and the people’s movement, coming from the two distinct issues of conflict: Muslim/Mindanao conflict and the conflict with the National Democrats/Communists.

Therefore, part of this training will include a 2-day Study Tour to Mindanao to visit the Muslim communities and to see how the Philippine NAP is being used (or not being used) by women as a base to push for peace in the communities. Similarly, a dialogue will be held in Manila with National Democrats on their intention for the NAP as a key strategy for peace building. Through this training, participants can expect to acquire media strategising skills using social media and be part of an Asia-region network on issues of women peace and security.

This study tour and training by the Isis Activist School is a major component of the research project: Linking the Networks – Enhancing Social Media Strategies to Advance the UNSCR1325 – A Grass Roots Initiative. The overall goal of this research project is to understand some of the advantages and key barriers to developing the NAP on Women, Peace and Security, and identify key social media strategies to keep women working on NAPs linked to share information and to inform civil society of work being done on UNSCR1325 in the Asian Region. This gathering of peace activists along with the training will be documented in a video and publication to be presented at the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (UNCSW) 58th Session in February-March 2014, New York, USA.

Who can participate?

Young women (18-35 years old) peace advocates and/or women in media with a focus on peace and conflict issues from Thailand, Sri Lanka, Philippines, Pakistan, Nepal, Indonesia, Cambodia, Burma and Australia. Preference is given to women who are rooted in and working in the context of conflict situations, whether at a local or national level.

These women should be using, or interested to make use of, social media to disseminate their advocacy (Facebook, Twitter, etc).

What are the required language skills?

The Activist School will primarily be conducted in English, thus proficiency in English is a requirement.  We will look into requests for translators on a case by case basis.  Given limited resources, however, this will only be provided if absolutely necessary.

What is expected from participants?

Selected participants are expected to:

  • share their perspectives, stories and experiences as feminists, activists, development workers or media people from their respective countries;
  • to complete a one to two page case presentation on the issue of UNSCR1325 and the NAP in their respective countries and submit it two-weeks prior arrival in Manila;
  • be prepared to verbally present their country situation to an audience of government, civil society and activists involved in the issue of peace and conflict in the Philippines and able to engage in discussion;
  • participate in the social networking activities, primarily the use of Twitter, for the duration of the Activist School;
  • conduct a session with their colleagues in their respective organisations or groups to share their insights and lessons from the training;
  • stay committed to working on issues of women and peace building within the community/local/national contexts for at least 2 years after the training;
  • participate in the post-seminar evaluation four to six months after the seminar; and
  • be part of the Isis International Activist School Alumni.
Logistical Arrangement

As the host organisation, Isis International will cover the selected participant’s airfare, land travels (to and from the airport), accommodation in Manila and in Mindanao and a modest per diem. Participants are expected to cover other personal expenses.

Depending on the best rate that can be attained, participants may be asked to book and purchase their ticket from their home countries and will be fully reimbursed upon submission of receipts in Manila.

 Participant must have a valid passport and the capacity to attain a Philippine visa if necessary. Isis International will cover the cost of the visa only and expect the selected participant to cover any incurred expenses to attain it (such as travel and accommodation) as participants’ counterpart contribution. Isis International will not cover the cost of renewing your passport.

Interested in participating in the Isis Activist School on Enhancing Social Media Strategies to Advance the United Nations Security Council Resolution (UNSCR) 1325?

Please fill in the on line application form ( or the attached form and send to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. on or before 6 September 2013.

 For further inquiries please contact:

Isis International
Lalen de Vela
Activist School Coordinator
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
3 Marunong Street, Barangay Central
Quezon City 1100, Philippines   
Tel. +63 2 928 19 56
Fax +63 2 924 10 65

This project is support by: Australian Aid