Critical Half, the bi-annual academic journal of Women for Women International, is currently seeking submissions for its Winter 2007 issue, which will focus on how men can be engaged to promote positive change in gender relations at the family, community, and national levels.
The issue hopes to examine proposed or existing programs that encourage men to support and advance womens rights in areas such as Family (e.g., division of household labor, domestic violence, inheritance rights), Sexuality and Health (e.g., consensual sex, rape, HIV/AIDS), Economy (e.g., the value of womens work, womens role in community economic development), Education, and Politics (e.g., constitution-building, elections) within a conflict or post-conflict context. Articles that consider one or more of the following questions are most welcome:

What are mens perceptions on the status and roles of women and men in their societies? What are mens thoughts on womens empowerment? How can gender relations be transformed in the face of long-standing cultural beliefs and practices that discriminate against women? What factors or incentives influence mens willingness to accept social change that benefits women? How can men be convinced that womens empowerment benefits an entire society? Does the effectiveness of programs targeting men vary depending on participants social and/or economic status? What groups of men should be targeted for lasting changes in gender relations and why? What obstacles do men wishing to implement change face in their communities? What program strategies have proven to be successful in engaging men in womens issues? What are explanations for failed programs?

Articles should provide at least one example of a countrys experience that demonstrates the writers argument. Papers should incorporate a theoretical framework for the argument where possible and a discussion of its practical implications.

Articles should be 2,000-2,500 words long. The submission deadline is October 15, 2006. Articles should be sent by e-mail. Additional submission guidelines are attached. Past issues of the journal are available at For more information, contact: Taea Calcut at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call (202) 737-7705.