The Gender Studies Project at MADA Al-Carmel: Arab Center for Applied Social Research, is appealing for support to their campaign for the defence and respect of the right to education for Palestinian students in Israel.
They ask the heads of Israeli universities, colleges and academic institutions, feminist researchers and human rights activists to support this petition to respect and value the right of Palestinian students in Israel, the West Bank, and Gaza Strip to receive the education to which they are entitled. The appeal upon policy-makers and decision-makers to intervene is to reverse the militarisation of roads, schools, and universities and to stop the violation of the right of the individual to education, and to simultaneously increase investment in the development of projects that challenge Israeli militaristic, racist, and repressive policies.

To sign the petition visit

For more information, contact:
Gender Studies Project
MADA Al-Carmel: Arab Center for Applied Social Research
Tel: +972-4-855-2035
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.