It's the CSW, the largest biggest annual gathering of feminists, and it's electric. Whether you're in New York or siphoning off the energy to fuel your feminism somewhere else, driving the change around the world, ISIS International's calendar of events is designed to bring to you the vital sites of activism, where your voice can help build the tidal wave of change we urgently need.

Starting on a positive note, there's a seminar on best practices for building a violence-free life for women and girls, looking at case studies from Uganda, organised by (among others) the Center for Women in Governance. It'll be held at 10.30am on 4th March, and is part of a series of events organised by partners of the Global Network of Women Peacebuilders. A full list of events is listed in the calendar below, and include a look at women and peacebuilding in Latin America; what human security means for survivors of violence in India; and emerging forms of VAW in the MENA region.

Likewise the Women Human Rights Defenders International Coalition has an impressive array of partner events, listed below. Some highlights include looking at violence against migrant women on 7 March; the International Women's Dance Party that evening; and a forum on protecting women human rights defenders, on 12 March.

The Women's Initiative for Gender Justice will be speaking at two events (on the calendar below) - with a third one already full. These will be Breaking Barriers for Women: Recommendations on Justice, Security & Peace on 5th March; and Human Security: The Missing Link between Women's Rights, Justice & Peace on 6th March. The Asia Pacific Women's Watch is also organising two events on the same days, one looking at gender and climate change and the second at women and conflict in the Asia Pacific (see below).

Events by the Huairou Commission also start on the 4th, with a look at grassroots approaches to securing justice. Their programme includes a performing arts workshop on 5th March; an event on reclaiming public spaces on 7th March; and a girl's eye view on urban spaces on 8th March.

Do you sometimes feel that we're wading through mud, that we have the legal frameworks to stop VAW, but states are not implementing them, and that they aren't being held accountable for the violence women face? That's the kernel of the discussion on 4th March at 2.30pm, when IWRAW Asia-Pacific and the Malaysian Women's Aid Organisation have put together a panel 'Hold our states accountable in efforts to eliminate VAW', bringing together four speakers looking at human rights laws, the UN and the CEDAW framework.

One of the highlights on the 5th March will be at the Armenian Convention Center, looking at research, activism and responses to the violence faced by women on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity, organised by various organisations including Human Rights Watch and the Association for Women in Development (AWID).

On 6th March, Peace is Loud and the WILPF, among others, are convening a multimedia forum on media as an instrument of violence, featuring former ISIS-International staff Mavic Cabrera Balleza in an event that combines a feature film, radio slots and an expert panel.

Join Madre, the Center for Gender and Refugee Studies and others for an inter-movement dialogue sharing knowledge about discrimination between the LGBT and women's movements, on 7th March at 10.30am, at the Armenian Convention Center.

And there's the March! On International Women's Day, 8th March, join the march, wherever you are, for a Life Free From Violence Against Women and Girls. If you're in New York, meet up at 10am at the corner of First Avenue and 42nd Street. There are three demands this year:

  1. Take Concrete Steps to End Impunity!
  2. Fund Gender Equality and Human Rights Instead of Militarism!   
  3. Protect Women Human Rights Defenders!

And if you're not in New York, join the Twitter avalanche, using hashtags #CSW57 and EndVAW, post on Facebook and share your stories on Click for more info and slogans.

After the march, join Women Living Under Muslim Law for a panel on why stoning is violence against women, and what can be done to end it forever.

And lastly, this is not all that is happening! If you're fired up and want more to do, check out the full schedule of events here.

 4 March
8.30 am

Whose paradise? Pacific women leading efforts to eliminate violence against women

Armenian Convention Center, 630 2nd Avenue

10.00 am

Engendering bottom-up reform: Grassroots women's approaches for securing access to justice

North Lawn Building (Conference room D)


Violence-free Life for Women and Girls: Best Practices from Uganda

Armenian Convention Center, 630 2nd Avenue, (Y Room)

Investing in peace? Violence against women, militarism, and budgeting for "security"

Salvation Army Auditorium, 221 East 52ndStreet

11.30 am

 Implementation of the UNSCR 1325: Experiences from Latin America

North Lawn Building (Conference room B)


Human Security - what does it mean for women survivors of violence in India?

Armenian Convention Center, 630 2nd Avenue, (Y Room)

Grounding human rights for effective change: A tool in the struggle for land in the context of HIV/AIDS and VAW

Salvation Army Auditorium


A Critique on Existing Frameworks to Hold our States Accountable in its Efforts to Eliminate Violence against Women

10th Floor, UN Church Centre, 777, 1st Avenue at 44th Street, New York

Conversation Circle on Peace and Security/Violence against Women and Girls

2nd Floor, 777 United Nations Plaza, New York


UN Security Council Resolution #1325 - What lies ahead

One Dag Hammarskjold Plaza (Auditorium)

4.30 pm

Arts and Film for women's activism: For rights, against violence

UN Church Centre Chapel, 777, 1st Avenue at 44th Street

6.15 pm

Exploring the links between urban public services and violence against women and girls

Church Center for the UN, 777 United Nations Plaza, (Boss Room, 8th Floor)

  5 March
8.30 am

Respect for women and girls: Equality for all

Hardin Room, Church Center for the UN, 777 United Nations Plaza (11th Floor)


Violence, Economics and War: From Theory to Action

Church Center for the UN, 777 United Nations Plaza, (2nd Floor)

The post-2015 development agenda: What's at stake for the world's women?

Church Center for the UN, 777 United Nations Plaza (1st Floor)

Gender and climate change in Asia and the Pacific

Armenian Convention Center, 630 2nd Avenue (Y-Room)

11.30 am

Gender-Based violence prevention as a human right and a legally binding state obligation

North Lawn Building (Conference room D)

12.30 pm

Italy Violence Against Women &Femicide

Hardin Room, Church Center for the UN, 777 United Nations Plaza (11th Floor)

1.15 pm

exual violence in conflict: Delivering justice

Ford Foundation, 320 E 43rd St.

2.30 pm

The Role of Security Sector and Justice System in DRC: What are the Challenges in Promoting Gender Equality and Eliminating Sexual Violence

Church Center for the UN, 777 United Nations Plaza, (Drew Room, Ground Floor)

16 Days campaign open forum

Church Center for the UN, 777 United Nations Plaza, (Boss Room, 8th Floor)

Breaking barriers for women: Recommendations on security, justice and peace

Hardin Room, Church Center for the UN, 777 United Nations Plaza (11th Floor)

3.00 pm

The Human Rights Universal Periodic Review and violence against women and girls

Conference Room B

3.30 pm

Violence Against Women &The Human Right to Peace

Mission of Bangladesh to the UN, 820 2nd Avenue, 4th Floor

4.30 pm

Women under Siege, New and Emerging Forms of Violence against Women in the MENA Region

Church Center for the UN, 777 United Nations Plaza, (2nd Floor)

Women Peace Building and Countering Violent Extremism

Church Center for the UN, 777 United Nations Plaza, (2nd Floor)

Killings and violence against women based on sexual orientation and gender identity

Armenian Convention Center, 630 2nd Avenue

 6 March
10.30 am

US women connect

Salvation Army Center Auditorium, 221 East 52nd St

Violence against women: What do race and class have to do with it?

Church Center for the UN, 777 United Nations Plaza, (2nd Floor)

Joining the dots: Exploring the economic empowerment of women in conflict affected areas of the Asia Pacific

V-Hall, Armenian Convention Center, 630 2nd Avenue

12.30 pm

Guatemala violence against women and girls

Church Center for the UN, 777 United Nations Plaza, (10th Floor)

2.30 pm

Media as an Instrument in Fighting Violence Against Women in Conflict-Affected Settings

Armenian Convention Center, 630 2nd Avenue, (Y Room)

Women, peace and security: Elusive opportunity for Afro-Caribbean women in conflict zones

Armenian Convention Center, 630 2nd Avenue, (Y Room)

Performing arts workshop: Preventing and responding to violence against women

Taipei Economic and Cultural Office, 4th Floor

3.30 pm

Human security: The missing link between women's rights, justice and peace

The New School's Tishman Auditorium, 66 West 12th St

4.30 pm

Sextortion and a gendered approach to corruption: Grassroots women &women judges take the lead

Boss Room, Church Center for the UN, 777 United Nations Plaza, (8th Floor)

6.15 pm

Gender harmony: A promising tool against gender violence

Armenian Convention Center, 630 2nd Avenue, (Y Room)

 7 March
10.00 am

Women's rights and LGBT activists share anti-violence strategies

Armenian Convention Center, 630 2nd Avenue (Guild Hall)

10.30 am

Violence against women and women with disabilities

Church Center for the UN, 777 United Nations Plaza, (10th Floor)

Challenging discrimination and violence against LGBT community in Haiti

Armenian Convention Center, 630 2nd Avenue, (Guild Hall)

Violence against migrant women and the human rights framework

Church Center for the UN, 777 United Nations Plaza, (2nd Floor)

12.30 pm

Tradition, culture and religion: Affirming existing human rights agreements to strengthen the efforts to eradicate violence against women

Church Center for the UN, 777 United Nations Plaza, (1st Floor)

2.30 pm

Marginalized violence: Addressing violence against marginalized groups in the Asia Pacific

Armenian Convention Center, 630 2nd Avenue

Afghanistan violence against women and girls

Church Center Chapel, 777 United Nations Plaza

4.30 pm

Global perspectives on violence against women

Church Center for the UN, 777 United Nations Plaza, (10th Floor)

4.45 pm

Women moving mountains, high impact investment to eliminate and prevent violence against women - the case of the Dutch MDG3 Fund

Conference Room B

6.00 pm

Vision and Voice: What the Women Say - Findings from the First Regional MENA/South Asia Women's Rights, Peace, and Security Forum

Church Center for the UN, 777 United Nations Plaza, (12th Floor)

6.30 pm

Latin America and the Caribbean violence against women and girls

United Nations North Lawn Building Room CR-7 (need security passes)

8.00 pm

International Women's Dance Party

The Culture Club, 20 West 39thStreet, between 5thand 6thAvenue

 8 March
10.00 am

The March for a Life Free from Violence Against Women and Girls

Assemble at First Avenue and 42nd Street

10.30 am

Gender stereotypes, gender violence

Church Center Chapel, 777 United Nations Plaza

Global outcry: It shouldn't hurt to be a girl

Church Center for the UN, 777 United Nations Plaza, (2nd Floor)

12.15 pm

Women with disabilities and violence: Challenges and visions in the Asia Pacific

Permanent Mission of the Republic of Korea to the United Nations, New York

12.30 pm

Training workshop: Tools and methods to build safer communities &cities for women and girls (Delhi &beyond: Concrete actions for safer cities)

Hardin Room, Church Center for the UN, 777 United Nations Plaza (11th Floor)

1.00 pm

Harmful traditional practices - violence against women

German House, 871 United Nations Plaza, 1st Avenue at 49th St

1.15 pm

A girl's eye view on (un)safe urban spaces

North Lawn Building, Conference Room B

2.30 pm

Why Stoning Is Violence Against Women

10th Floor,777 United Nations Plaza

 9 March
 4.45 pm

Successful strategies and funding mechanisms to eradicate violence against women: Women moving mountains

Conference Room B

 11 March
10.30 am

Gender-Based Violence and Access to Justice After the Liberian Civil War

Church Center for the UN, 777 United Nations Plaza, (Boss Room, 8th Floor)

1.15 pm

Elimination and prevention of VAWG in post-conflict situations

North Lawn Building, Conference Room 2

2.30 pm

How to break the cycle of denying young women's access to youth-friendly SRHR services?

Conference Room B

Developing justice: Transforming development frameworks to address structural causes of inequality

Grumman Room, United Nations Church Center (8thfloor), 777 UN Plaza

 12 March
10:00 am

Review theme panel 4: The equal sharing of responsibilities between women and men including caregiving in the context of HIV/AIDS

North Lawn Building, Conference Room 2

11.30 am

Austerity, fiscal policies and economic, social and cultural rights: Vienna+20 - Where are women now?

United Nations North Lawn Building, Conference Room D, 1rst Avenue at East 46thStreet

3.00 pm

Women human rights defenders: A resource at risk? Obligations and practical measures to support women human rights defenders and protect them from intimidation, reprisals and violence

Conference Room B

Review theme panel 5: Evaluation of progress in the implementation of the agreed conclusions of CSW53 on equal sharing of responsibilities

North Lawn Building, Conference Room 2