We tend to hear about the violation and not the response-- so, important news to hear that the African Commisison on Human and People's Rights has found the Egyptian state responsible for failing to protect four women journalists from sexual assault during protests in Tahrir Square, calling for a full investigation and compensation for the victims and ratification of the AU Women's Protocol . Sadly one of the women Nawal Ali Mohammed Ahmed has since died. To our revolutionary Egyptian sisters, we are with you, always!

Latest Case Update

The African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights has found that Egypt failed to protect four women journalists from violence and in doing so violated their human rights including rights to equality and non-discrimination, right to dignity and protection from cruel inhuman and degrading treatment and their right to express and disseminate opinions within the law. In an environment where sexual violence continues to go unpunished in most member states of the African Union, this decision makes a valuable contribution ensuring states are held to account when they fail to protect women from violence.

Read the joint press release from EIPR and INTERIGHTS (14 March 2013)

Facts of the Case

This case concerns the response of the Egyptian authorities to anti-government protests that started on 25 January 2011. The events in Egypt eventually culminated into the downfall of the Egyptian government.

Anti-government protests started in Egypt on 25 January 2011. Government forces responded to the protests violently, with live ammunition and violent attacks, resulting in hundreds of deaths and injuries. The state made it clear that the protests would not be tolerated and arbitrarily detained hundreds of protestors in an attempt to prevent their continuation. The authorities also blocked internet, mobile phones and landlines country-wide and engaged in widespread destruction of property.

Aims in Taking the Case

To end the violence against protestors in Egypt and prevent further human rights violations.

Case History

On 1 February 2011, INTERIGHTS and the Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights (EIPR) submitted a request for provisional measures to the African Commission on Human and People’s Rights regarding the situation in Egypt following the anti-government protests. The complaint drew attention to the serious human rights violations occurring in the country and asked the Commission to take action (on the basis that Egypt is a party to the African Charter) to ensure that the Egyptian authorities cease the violations and take immediate measures to safeguard the protesters’ rights as protected under the African Charter. To read the complaint in full, please click here.

Useful Links

Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights

http://www.interights.org/eipr-and-interights-v-egypt/index. html