pwag  sangat

A Multi Track Gender Sensitive Mediation Training Course organized by Peace Women Across the Globe (PWAG) and SANGAT - a South Asian Feminist Network in collaboration with Tewa, Nepal

Peace Women Across the Globe and Sangat - a South Asian Feminist Network invite women leaders, activists and peacebuilders to apply for a 3 week mediation training course to be held in Kathmandu, Nepal from September 18 to October 08, 2013.

The course is mainly funded by the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, of the Swiss government and PWAG - Switzerland.

We welcome applications from women participants from conflict regions who wish to enhance their knowledge and capacities in gender-sensitive peace conflict transformation and mediation in order to actively engage in peace processes. The participants will share their ideas, experiences and expertise and connect with other women peace mediators from different regions of the world.


Conflicts and wars as well as conflict transformation and mediation processes are highly gendered. Women are still excluded from peace processes and their interests and needs are rarely and barely represented in peace negotiations. Experienced and skilled women with formal knowledge, tools for conflict transformation and experiences in peace processes are rather rare, although many women are working in several informal peace mediations. Women are crucial for the promotion and implementation of participatory peace processes that will strengthen transparent decision-making and civic engagement.


This multi track training course is developed to enhance women’s knowledge of and capacities for conflict transformation and mediation and, strengthen the exchange and networking between women peace mediators. The specific objectives are on the levels of gendered conflict analysis and conflict transformation, skills-building on mediation and negotiation, process design and personal development. The course will follow a strong gender-sensitive and participatory approach.

 Participants and Criteria for Selection

About 27 English speaking women already working on or keen to work on peace and mediation from conflict and/or war torn countries from South Asia, Southeast Asia, East - Africa and the Middle East. Criteria for selection will be the following:

  1. Experience in peace negotiation, mediation, or peace building activities
  2. Experience of working for gender equality, human rights, democracy, pluralism etc.
  3. Commitment to devote time in the future for peace and mediation work
  4. Respected women leaders keen to work on issues related to conflict resolution, mediation and peace
  5. Involvement with some organization working on issues like gender equality, sustainable development, human rights, peace.
  6. Good working knowledge of English

COSTS for the Training Course:

No FEE will be charged for the course.
The organizers will pay for the travel and accommodation costs during the course of the selected participants.

VENUE: The course will be held in the beautiful and peaceful Tewa Women's Centre located on the outskirts of Kathmandu, Nepal.


There will be three convenors of the Course from the three collaborating organizations, namely:

Kamla Bhasin, Advisor, Sangat-A South Asian Feminist Network

Tanja Mirabile, Program Manager, Peace Women Across the Globe, Bern, Switzerland

Rita Thapa, Tewa, Nepal

There will be several experienced and well known resource persons from different parts of the world.

Nomination/ application process

Those interested in this course are requested to please fill out the questionnaire (attached) electronically and send it together with a motivation letter (800- 1000 words) and your CV by 20 May 2013 to the following two contact points:


Peace Women Across the Globe

Tanja Mirabile

Program Manager

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Sangat-A South Asian Feminist Network



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Download Application Form